Customer Testimonials

In the time that Homecheck Services has been operating we have provided quality home and building inspection services to thousands of people. Following are unsolicited comments and testimonials from just a few of them.

"Your professionalism and the manner in which the reports have been carried out has been refreshing and very much appreciated."
Sarah Constructions

"I just wanted to say a big thank you for the work you have done down at Minda, both Minda and ourselves have been exceptionally happy with the way you have conducted the reports."
Sarah Constructions

"We would both like to sincerely thank you and your wife for your kind and prompt attention during our building process."
Julieanne & Gary Somlai
Woodcroft S.A.

"Many thanks for your prompt service and report. I was very impressed with your thoroughness and will certainly recommend you in the future. I will also take on board your advice about restoration work."

"We were very impressed with your professional and enthusiastic manner, which ressured us as prospective purchasers."
Tracey & Paul

"Many thanks for your professional home inspection report on the house at Clearview"
Dr Nicholas Samuel

"I won't hesitate to call you and I will also recommend you to anyone I know who needs your services."
Steve & Julie

"Thank you for your time, expert opinion and help as regards the property ... All the best; we will be recommending your work to others."

"Just a short note to thank you for the home inspection of South Rd, Kurralta Park. I was happy with your full written report. My friend recommended your services and I would be happy to recommend you in the future."
J.L. & G.H. Sporn
Daw Park SA

"Thanks for being available at short notice and conducting such a comprehensive building inspection. Your inspection report was both detailed and pleasing."
Allan Bald

"Thanks for your time and valuable advice the other day, it was very much appreciated. I will follow up the contacts you gave me."
Phil Doherty
London, United Kingdom

"Hi Dennis, Thank you for once again providing an excellent service and thanks for being so prompt. Your website looks great."
Terry Argent
Fullarton, SA

Homecheck Services over 40 years experience ensures that you will be completely satisfied with the quality of both the home inspection and the final written report. Prompt and courteous service and attention to detail are our philosophy. Please contact us at the numbers above or via the online contact form for a no obligation free consultation.